I'm gonna drop the bomb.
Short review:
Dreadfull abomination.
Long revew:
I followed the forum thread of the first collab in its early stage.
The only thing I saw were kids yelling "Madness Collab! Anyone in? Just make something madness related and I'll string it together".
Of course, just without the good grammar.
I laughed and closed down the thread while I said to myself: "There is no way this will ever go anywhere."
And here I am... writing a review of the third installment in the series (actully it's problerbly the 193th installment but you know).
I didn't write any reviews for the 2 first, because I knew I would just flame the hell out of them.
So just take this review as a review for all of them.
It doesn't really matter... they are all alike anyway.
It's the same garbage every time.
Even the responses to reviews under 5 are still immature and "oh-my-god-abusive".
I'll briefly cover what you really should improve (and perhaps start learning).
#1: Physics, the physics are has an very important role in ALL action movies. It felt like they were trapped in a gravity-raped room.
#2: Animation, work on smoothness, but that should come naturally if you keep trying.
#3: Ideas, EVERY collab part (from ALL the collabs) were alike... one dude goes in a kills a bunch of other dudes.
I can't belive you made 3 collabs WITHOUT a SINGLE good idea.
#4: Project management, this is one of the poorest compilations ever.
Every part had a different standard regarding sound, border and so on.
The comics... were a complete joke.
Not the "Ha-ha, funny" kind of jokes... more like "I would be ashamed to upload this" kind of joke.
This is a prime example of how easy it is to get recognizing, without doing ANYTHING original at all.
And don't give me that "It's a tribute" crap!
Tributes are made in honor of a great movie, game, series, whatever.
This is just copying not only his style, but TAKING his art'n'style and use it yourself.
You'll probably mark this as abusive, but I will at least hope that when you turn 18, that you've grown a little much.
Look back at this review and say: "Heh... I guess they were right, it DOES suck".
I know it's hard to take the negative reviews serius when you got 10x times the positive reviews.
Just think over this:
In the future, who do you want recognizing from?
Thousands of people with username that is only a variation of "Madness"?
Krinkles ?
Best regards